Monday 27 May 2013

Prime Minister’s Official Message In Conjunction With Wesak Day Celebration 2013

Bahasa Malaysia:

Saya telah mula melihat para sukarelawan melakukan persiapan sempena perayaan Hari Wesak yang mengingati kelahiran, kesedaran dan kematian Gautama Buddha. Di seluruh Malaysia, kuil-kuil akan mengadakan pelbagai aktiviti dan para penganut Buddha akan menyertai upacara keagamaan itu dalam suasana penuh harmoni. 

Saya sentiasa berharap agar kita semua rakyat Malaysia mengenepikan perbezaan dan bersatu demi kebaikan kita bersama. Railah Hari Wesak bersama jiran-jiran, pasangan, keluarga, anak-anak dan ibu bapa kita dalam suasana harmoni. 

Pada Hari Wesak ini, saya berharap rakyat Malaysia tidak kira bangsa dan kepercayaan agama supaya bersatu. Hari demi hari kita semakin hampir mencapai matlamat kita bersama iaitu Wawasan 2020 yang hanya boleh dicapai menerusi semangat perpaduan di antara kita. Sudah pasti kita akan menghadapi pelbagai cabaran dalam tahun-tahun mendatang ini tetapi saya yakin, kita mampu mencapainya.

Dengan itu, saya ucapkan Selamat Hari Wesak kepada semua penganut Buddha di Malaysia.

Perutusan Perdana Menteri Sempena Perayaan Hari Wesak 2013 |

I can already see volunteers hard at work preparing for Wesak Day – commemorating the birth, enlightenment and the passing of Gautama Buddha. All over Malaysia, temples will be bustling with activity as devotees flock to attend the various activities. Streets will be packed with processions of beautiful floats. There will be an abundance of joy and peace and forgiveness as people seek blessings for themselves and their loved ones. 

If there was one thing I could wish for our country, it would be for everyone to set aside their differences for the greater good. For neighbours to treat each other with kindness, spouses with love and siblings with kindness. For children to be respectful and parents to be nurturing. And of course for the people to prosper under this Government, and for politicians to serve them to the best of their abilities. 

This Wesak Day, I wish for Malaysians regardless of race or ethnicity to come together as one. Day by day we grow steadily towards the pinnacle of our achievements: Vision 2020, a vision possible only if we can be united in times of peace as well as times of difficulty. There will be many obstacles for us to overcome in the next few years but I am confident that we as a nation can do it. 

Here’s wishing all Malaysians Buddhists a Happy Wesak Day.

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